Konsep Infinity Dan Keadilan Kosmik Anaximander

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Delia Aliyah
Alika Mahira Hasna
Mohammad Alvi Pratama


Anaximander's concepts of infinity and cosmic justice have been a focus for the history of philosophy and science. Anaximander, an Ionian philosopher and astronomer, was one of the four Ephesian philosophers, also known as "the Ionian". The aim of Anaximander's concepts of infinity and cosmic justice is to understand how Anaximander's philosophy influenced and influenced science and the philosophy of history. Anaximander's concepts of infinity and cosmic justice have influenced various aspects of science and philosophy, such as astronomy, physics, and ethical philosophy. To analyze Anaximander's concept of infinity and cosmic justice, the method used is qualitative research with a philosophical-historical approach. This method examines and explores a deep understanding of the character's thoughts. By using this method, the researcher examines the philosophical and historical aspects surrounding this figure. Relate the character's thoughts to the historical context and life. Then, reveal something visible or a phenomenon by looking at the history of the character's life conditions. The thought of Anaximander, a Greek philosopher and astronomer, included the concepts of infinity (apeiron) and cosmic justice as essential to the understanding of the order of the universe and everything within it. The concept of apeiron, as an infinite and infinite basic element, is the origin of everything in the universe, and cosmic justice is the principle that governs the universe in a harmonious, balanced, and orderly manner.


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Aliyah, D., Alika Mahira Hasna, & Pratama, M. A. (2024). Konsep Infinity Dan Keadilan Kosmik Anaximander. Praxis: Jurnal Filsafat Terapan, 1(02). Retrieved from https://journal.forikami.com/index.php/praxis/article/view/642


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