Keadilan Sosial dalam Epictetus
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Social injustice is increasingly rampant in society such as poverty, racial and gender discrimination, social inequality nationally and globally. These problems have been in the spotlight in the past until now, so that a stoic philosopher named Epictetus from ancient Roman times talked about social justice. Although not realized directly by Epictetus, his teachings have significant relevance to the current condition of society. This research covers Epictetus' thoughts and works related to current social life, so this research aims to understand Epictetus' teachings on social justice that can inspire everyone to respect and treat someone regardless of their social status to uphold justice. In discussing these issues, a philosophical-historical approach is used through systematic analysis complemented by qualitative research methods. Epictetus' view of social justice, can help a person in implementing virtue to build the wider community so that it has awareness and concern for fellow human beings so that welfare in society will be created. In this case, law enforcers in Indonesia can apply the philosophical teachings of Epictetus, so that social justice can be present in the community.
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