Etika Dan Pluralitas Kodrat Manusia Menurut St.Augustine

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Siti Nabilah Utami
Anggun Nurul Isma
Dewi Murni Thofir
Mohammad Alvi Pratama


The main characteristics of the Middle Ages were theocentric, church domination, and feudalism. At this time, the entire structure of social life was completely regulated by religion (dogma) or the church. Therefore, reason and rationality were suppressed and even silenced so as not to conflict with the church. This condition then led Europe towards decline, or better known as the "dark ages". This condition also colored the pattern of European historiography. The themes of historical writing are always related to religion and the church, while history writers are priests, pastors or nuns who also act as historical actors. In this way, it can almost be said that "free" and "objective" writing does not exist because there is no distance between the actor and the historical writer. Augustine is a medieval historian who "represents" all these characters. In the theoretical structure of Saint Augustine's ethics, it is truly philosophical and does not presuppose faith in certain religious beliefs. For Saint Augustine, a good life in the moral sense is a life leading to happiness, that is the human goal and ethics teaches the way to that goal. Therefore, ethics in the understanding of Saint Augustine is the teaching of a happy life.


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How to Cite
Utami, S. N., Anggun Nurul Isma, Dewi Murni Thofir, & Pratama, M. A. (2024). Etika Dan Pluralitas Kodrat Manusia Menurut St.Augustine. Praxis: Jurnal Filsafat Terapan, 1(02). Retrieved from


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Wikipedia.Org diakses 05 Maret 2024.

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