Keadilan Universal Menurut Pemikiran Zeno of Citium

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Danil Faeza Letra
Akbar Rajendra Putra
Mohammad Alvi Pratama


The author wants to explain how Zeno of Citium thought about universal justice, starting from Zeno's journey to become a known philosopher to the works that were admired by society at that time, many things related to moral, ethical and universal aspects, this is in accordance with the views of Stoicism is closely related to justice and virtue, where this is inherent in humans living in the present, where this aspect is important in the suitability of the concept of action according to nature. This concept is based on the thoughts of the Stoics, which guides the existence of justice is the sense of virtue that exists in humans and also the universe, humans should not be selfish and feel above everything because the highest hierarchy in the universe (cosmos), Zeno is one of the people who thinks that the cosmos is governed by the logos which will support virtue which then creates universal justice for the contents of the universe and outside that universe, the views of stoicism have become a reference for many writers in explaining universal justice according to Zeno, although this view is taken from fragments (pieces) of Zeno's literature, but Zeno has interpreted his views on universal justice explicitly or implicitly, later all of Zeno's thoughts regarding justice The universal is linked to aspects of the present in order to have a correlation, the author is aware that in the present there are many differences between humans and non-humans who accept themselves. This deviates from the cosmos concept because this concept aims to shape humans to accept differences and carry out what exists because everything is regulated by the Logos. and also humans must accept changes from their human side or from their universe, basically this form of universal justice is in line with the thoughts of Zeno and his school of Stoicism.


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How to Cite
Danil Faeza Letra, Putra, A. R., & Pratama, M. A. (2024). Keadilan Universal Menurut Pemikiran Zeno of Citium. Praxis: Jurnal Filsafat Terapan, 1(02). Retrieved from


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