Transgender Dalam Pandangan Beberapa Agama Di Indonesia

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Muhammad Karim
Ariell Anindya Ratu Aurorra. R. DJ.
Ismatul Laeliah
Aerlangga Arif
Rendy Pranowo Jati


: This research aims to identify the relationship between transgender and religion. Transgender is a term addressed to someone whose gender identity is different of the gender usually associated with his or her sex at birth (American Psychological Association : 2018), there are even some transgender people who want help medical to transition from one gender to another identify themselves as Transsexual (Bevan : 2014). Transgender is also a general term that is not has a universal definition. And religion is an integrated system, which consists of beliefs and practices related to sacred things and sacred things prohibited, this belief will unite a moral community called the Ummah. This research uses data collection techniques using interviews, observations and notes field. The research results show the relationship between transgender and religion.


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Muhammad Karim, DJ. AARAR, Ismatul Laeliah, Aerlangga Arif, Rendy Pranowo Jati. Transgender Dalam Pandangan Beberapa Agama Di Indonesia. MODERASI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 16];1(01). Available from:


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