Perspektif Agama Dan Hukum Terhadap Pemenuhan Hak Transgender Serta Implikasinya Terhadap Kehidupan Beragama

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Ghiffari Mahardiansyah
Cortez Verdaffa
Syahrul Rachman
Firhan Syougi Anwar
Zafik Rizaksana


Fulfilling transgender rights is a complex issue involving religious and legal perspectives. Although transgender is not a new phenomenon, its existence has become increasingly controversial in recent years. This article discusses religious and legal perspectives on transgender, covering aspects of Islam with searches in the Koran and Islamic legal literature. Different religions have varying views towards transgender people, which can be inclusive or conservative. In Islamic legal literature, transgender is not explicitly explained, but this term can be found in the story of the Prophet Luth (as). Some religions may be more flexible in accommodating transgender issues, while others remain conservative. The law, according to Zainal Asikin, plays a key role in relation to transgender people, including protecting rights, recognizing gender identity, and access to health services. A number of countries have passed laws protecting transgender rights, while Indonesia still faces regulatory uncertainty. Legal perspectives include protecting transgender rights and debates regarding religious freedom. Some groups may feel the law violates their religious freedom. In a religious context, the Islamic perspective involves the interpretation of Al-Qur'an verses and fatwas from the Indonesian Ulema Council. Other religions, such as Christianity, can have views that vary between more liberal and more conservative denominations. Buddhism and Hinduism can also have varying attitudes towards transgender people. Implications for transgender religious life include value conflicts, challenges in balancing individual rights and religious freedom, as well as dialogue and education. It is important to create an inclusive and just society through open dialogue, education and better understanding between the various parties involved. Ultimately, transgender issues require serious attention from religious, legal and societal perspectives. Open dialogue, understanding and education are the keys to achieving harmony between the rights of transgender individuals and religious values, without compromising religious freedom.


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Mahardiansyah G, Cortez Verdaffa, Syahrul Rachman, Firhan Syougi Anwar, Zafik Rizaksana. Perspektif Agama Dan Hukum Terhadap Pemenuhan Hak Transgender Serta Implikasinya Terhadap Kehidupan Beragama. MODERASI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 21 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];1(01). Available from:


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