Peran Agama Islam Dalam Mencegah Tindak Kekerasan Seksual
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Islam is a religion with an honorable and virtuous aim, namely Rahmatan lil'alamin (bringing happiness to all of creation). The teachings it imparts do not discriminate between genders as both have equal value in their devotion and piety towards Allah SWT. Furthermore, Islam condemns violence against women as reprehensible actions that go against Sharia law.According to Suhita et al.'s study in 2021, sexual violence refers to any non-consensual sexual act regardless of whether the perpetrator has a relationship with the victim or if they are colleagues at work. Women often fall victim due to societal views that perceive them as weak and less capable than men. Regrettably, this outlook leads people into behaving badly around women by committing acts such as rape or assault which can occur across different religions like Judaism Christianism Buddhism among others. This literature survey utilized library data gathering via reading material under discussion for analysis purposes; note-taking was integral during this process too. One solution could be assertive training courses so females learn self-defense methods useful when preventing instances of violent attacks on themselves while also providing strong reinforcement from officials enforcing laws particularly regarding sexually-related offences - ultimately lowering cases related thereto."
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