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Ismi Nurhayati
Maya Herma sa’ari
Mochammad Deny Firmanulloh
Selpina Hermansyah


The question of justice cannot be determined by the measure used to determine whether something is fair or not. Various versions of answers regarding the meaning of justice are often considered unsatisfactory, so they cannot be separated from what is called debate, which in the end the formulation regarding the meaning of justice itself becomes a relative formula. This problem ultimately encourages many groups to take alternative paths by surrendering the meaning of justice to the legislators and judges who will formulate it based on their own considerations. This article will discuss the concept of justice in the perspective of philosophers in the era before Christ, namely Plato. Philosophically, there are two formulations of justice: First, the view that what is meant by justice is harmony between the use of rights and the implementation of obligations in accordance with the "legal balance" argument, namely "the measure of rights and obligations". Second, the views of jurists who basically formulate that justice is harmony between legal certainty and legal comparability. Law has a close relevance to justice. There are even people who are of the view that law must be combined with justice, so that it really has meaning as law. This is related to the response that law is part of human effort to create an ethical co-existence in the world. Only through a just legal system can people live peacefully towards happiness, because the essence of law is to bring about fair rules in society. The law must make fair regulations regarding people's lives, as the ideals in the law itself and the law contains a demand for justice which is hoped that all provisions governing all human behavior or conditions in life reflect a sense of justice.


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How to Cite
Nurhayati, I., Herma sa’ari, M., Firmanulloh, M. D., & Hermansyah, S. (2023). KONSEP KEADILAN DALAM PERSPEKTIF PLATO. Nusantara: Jurnal Pendidikan, Seni, Sains Dan Sosial Humaniora, 1(01). Retrieved from https://journal.forikami.com/index.php/nusantara/article/view/135
Author Biographies

Ismi Nurhayati, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Pasundan

Membantu dan menulis artikel 

Maya Herma sa’ari, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Pasundan

Membantu dan menulis artikel 

Mochammad Deny Firmanulloh, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Pasundan

Penulis dan membantu 


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