Penyalahgunaan Kata Sabar dalam Kehidupan Umat Beragama
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This research has the title: "Misuse of the Word Patience in the Lives of Religious People", in this research the author is not looking for a definition of the word patience, but rather forms of misuse of the word patience. This research was created because the author often finds that people use the word patience in everyday life, but in using this, people tend to ignore the true meaning of the word patience. In writing this research, the author used a literature study research method with qualitative data analysis which can help the author understand and find the correct use of the word patience. From the research carried out, the author found several interesting things, that the word patience is often used in people's lives both in religious and cultural contexts and those who use the word patience most often are religious people and those from the lower middle class. Apart from that, the word patience is also often used by people as an effort to reduce stress due to the problems they are experiencing. The author also found that the definition of patience also has different interpretations by scholars, but generally there are two popular interpretations. Each religion also has its own understanding and interpretation, but in general patience can be understood as a moral attitude. In this research it was also found that patience is different from surrender. The difference lies in the effort made, where surrender is the attitude of giving up without making the slightest effort
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