Kontribusi Agama Dalam Mendorong Kesadaran Untuk Menjaga Lingkungan
Main Article Content
Religion plays an important role in preserving the natural environment through its various contributions. The concepts of ethics, responsibility, and justice contained in religious teachings form the basis for its people to maintain the sustainability of nature and its content. This journal examines the role of religion in shaping the individual's consciousness to play an active role in the preservation of the environment. Through its exploration of the ways in which religion contributes positively, by analyzing the teachings and values in some religions such as the moral and ethical teachings given by religion to care for the universe, as well as views on excessive consumption and waste. The journal also explores how religious views help motivate individuals and communities to take real action in protecting the ecosystems of the earth. Religious practices can also be a means for religious people to actively participate in conservation efforts. Thus, the journal details how the contribution of religion can have a positive impact inining environmental sustainability and fostering awareness of collective responsibility for natural heritage. Religion has an important role in preserving the environment through its various contributions. The concepts of ethics, responsibility, and justice contained in religious teachings form the basis for its people to preserve the sustainability of nature and its content. The journal explores the role played by religion in shaping individual consciousness to take an active role in keeping the environment. Through exploration of the ways in which religion contributes positively, by analyzing the teachings and values in some religions, such as through the moral and ethical teachings given to religion to care for the universe, as well as the views of God's creation and overconservation. The journal also explores how religious views help motivate individuals and communities to take real action in preserving the ecosystem of the earth. Religious practices can also be a means for religious people to actively participate in nature conservation efforts. Thus, the journal details how the contributions of religions can have a positive impact inining environmental sustainability and fostering awareness of collective responsibility for natural heritage.
Article Details
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