Pengaruh Kekerasan Verbal Orang Tua Terhadap Remaja Dalam Perspektif Agama Islam Dan Kristen

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Michael Dymasius Farrel Ardiya
Kevin Daffa Aditya
Hayalla Bhekti P
Obrain Artiolin Abitnego
Nur Muhammad Adnan


A lot of violence commonly occurs around us, but we often don't realize or are indifferent to it because we think it's none of our business. One example of violence includes verbal abuse. Verbal abuse or commonly referred to as emotional child abuse is verbal action or treatment that causes adverse emotional consequences such as saying inappropriate words to children. This research examines how the behavior of verbal violence against children in the perspective of Islam and Christianity. Through a literature study of journals and holy books, it was found that Islam and Christianity do not teach or approve of verbal violence against children.


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Ardiya MDF, Kevin Daffa Aditya, Hayalla Bhekti P, Obrain Artiolin Abitnego, Nur Muhammad Adnan. Pengaruh Kekerasan Verbal Orang Tua Terhadap Remaja Dalam Perspektif Agama Islam Dan Kristen. MODERASI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 27 [cited 2024 Dec. 5];1(01). Available from:


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