Perspektif Hukum Islam Tentang Teknologi Reproduksi In Vitro Fertilization atau Biasa Disebut Bayi Tabung

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Najwa Nurul Kamila
Keisha Amira Danisya
Khalisha Aila Rangkuty


The field of medicine is experiencing rapid development in science and technology, which has a positive impact on the welfare of humanity. One significant innovation arising from this progress is in vitro fertilization (IVF), commonly known as "test tube babies." This paper aims to explore legal issues surrounding such assisted reproductive technologies within Islamic Sharia regulations. The research method employed here includes descriptive analysis relying mostly on literature review or library research methods for data collection.In scientific terms, IVF refers to uniting an egg cell with spermatozoa outside a woman's body using delicate laboratory techniques before implantation into her womb—the process taking place inside a glass tube-like container rather than natural conception within the human body itself. Even though there remain several ambiguities regarding laws governing test-tube baby creation and surrogacy arrangements' legality according to Al-Qur'an teachings—thus posing challenges concerning their practice by informed believers—one study found that Indonesian Ulema Council recommended its Sunni Muslim followers may pursue these infertility treatments under prescribed conditions based upon 1979 fatwa guidelines: such procedures could be permitted if done only between legally married couples seeking parenthood solutions via lawful means through provisions meeting shari'a stipulations so long as they do not harm others involved directly or indirectly in implementing them practically


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Kamila NN, Keisha Amira Danisya, Khalisha Aila Rangkuty. Perspektif Hukum Islam Tentang Teknologi Reproduksi In Vitro Fertilization atau Biasa Disebut Bayi Tabung. MODERASI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 23 [cited 2025 Feb. 16];1(01). Available from:


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