Perspektif Agama Islam Terhadap Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT)
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Domestic violence is violence that occurs within the family and is based on emotions, economic problems, religious or gender differences. Violence can range from mild to severe, such as beatings, strangulation or even death, and may involve technology. And there are several religious perspectives that have different views about domestic violence committed by men against women because of patriarchy. This research aims to help readers increase their understanding of the social errors of patriarchy in a family which will be conveyed from a religious perspective. Patriarchy is a social construction system that develops in society where men dominate all aspects of life and control women. There are many journals that discuss this social issue, but the lack of understanding from an Islamic perspective is the context and focus of this research. This research method is a literature study method, where we carry out an in-depth analysis of a collection of relevant literature to explore the Islamic religious perspective on Domestic Violence (KDRT). Meanwhile, the Islamic religious perspective emphasizes that basically the purpose of marriage is to establish affection. Love and achieve peace in the family. Therefore, Islam firmly opposes acts of violence that occur within the family (KDRT). It is undeniable that sometimes forms of compromise in one form or another of domestic violence cannot be eliminated immediately. Patriarchal culture also plays a role in the occurrence of domestic violence. Therefore, from an Islamic religious perspective, one strategy that can be implemented is to build a sakinah family from an equality perspective.
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