Problematika Larangan Berhijab Di Prancis

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Mutiara Marsha Anjani
Zhafira Aulia Zuhdi
Afida Tyas Alamanda
Ghaitsa Zahira Raspati


This research aims to know the importance of wearing a hijab for Muslim women. However, numerous parts of the world, especially the European continent, including France, set a regulation prohibiting the use of hijab in social public due to the quarrels among the majority of religions in France, which were Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish, starting from the 15th century until 1950. Therefore, France’s government established the Laïcité or secular concept, which separates the country’s system and religion to avoid the influence of specific religious organizations and protect religious organizations from 2004. This regulation prohibited wearing garments that overly show one particular group or religion. The methodology is a literature study and collects data with the qualitative method. Thus, the establishment of the secular system in France affects the relation between personal faith in terms of religion and political matters. Furthermore, this phenomenon could harm other institutions or groups, which break the unity and peace among people and would interfere with every human’s rights. In addition, these issues also could prompt biases and prejudice toward Islam.


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Mutiara Marsha Anjani, Zhafira Aulia Zuhdi, Afida Tyas Alamanda, Raspati GZ. Problematika Larangan Berhijab Di Prancis. MODERASI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 5];1(01). Available from:


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