Perspektif Agama Islam Terhadap Kloning Manusia

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Rizky Aditya Prawira
M Mido Firman Dahlan
Naszril Irham Wijarnako
Jerico Christian Sianturi
M Najib Muyassar


Bioscience and Biotechnology give great hope to mankind in its development to achieve a better life. However, if it is not based on moral values and humanity, it will reverse the possibility and can be the beginning of the destruction of human life. Moreover, in recent years the development of science and technology has progressed very rapidly. One of them is the rapid development of cloning technology, especially human cloning. Why is this so, because academics and scientists are aggressively conducting research related to human cloning to find new things related to human cloning, which will cause pros and cons from various circles of mankind, especially religious leaders. cloning itself is the process of forming a genetic copy that is identical to its parent derived from one organism that has the same or similar gene structure. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a moratorium period before cloning humans so that later there will be no problems related to the ethics and morals of the human cloning process.


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Prawira RA, M Mido Firman Dahlan, Naszril Irham Wijarnako, Jerico Christian Sianturi, M Najib Muyassar. Perspektif Agama Islam Terhadap Kloning Manusia. MODERASI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 5];1(01). Available from:


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