Analisis Perspektif Agama Dalam Penerapan Teknologi Cryonics

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Hasna Syahira Putri
Rayshamita Kayla Mahensahrani
Timothius Farell Prabandito
Muhammad Aziz Al Bahri
Radiansyah Akbar


Technological advances followed by the development of innovation and intelligence have created various new discoveries that have provided breakthroughs to eliminate the boundaries of humanity in order to achieve the modern era. Death is the natural nature of every human being that cannot be avoided. Technological developments have given rise to the concept of immortality, making technology experts come up with ideas through the use of cryonics technology. Especially in the context of Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism. In this journal, the writing method used is literature study with a focus on analyzing religious perspectives on the application of cryonics to humans. Based on the results obtained from the literature, cryonics technology used after clinical death is not followed by agreement and support from a religious studies perspective. Each religion certainly has provisions and rules regarding death and rituals after death. In the perspective of Christianity and Catholicism, cryonics is considered contrary to God's wisdom, whereas in Islam, this technology violates God's destiny and the obligation to immediately bury the body. Buddhism emphasizes the impermanence of life, and cryonics may be considered contrary to Anicca principles. Hinduism recognizes reincarnation as part of the endless cycle of life, so cryonics that promote the immortality of the body may be considered inappropriate. Confucians emphasize respect for ancestors and burials in accordance with traditional values, which may not be compatible with the application of cryonics technology. By exploring the perspectives of these religions, this journal provides deep insight into the gap between technological progress and religious values, opening the door to discussions of ethics in the development and use of technologies such as cryonics. The application of cryonics technology is quite controversial in the view of religions in Indonesia, especially as it can cause conflict due to the incompatibility of scientific aspirations and religious perspectives.


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Putri HS, Rayshamita Kayla Mahensahrani, Timothius Farell Prabandito, Muhammad Aziz Al Bahri, Radiansyah Akbar. Analisis Perspektif Agama Dalam Penerapan Teknologi Cryonics. MODERASI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 19 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];1(01). Available from:


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