Perspektif Agama-Agama Di Indonesia Terhadap Homoseksual

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Alif Ayuningrum
Anggi Hazel Patrecia
Diana Puspayanti
Dina Lorensia


Humans are living creatures who continue to experience development throughout their lives, many new things emerge as a result of human behavior, both positive and negative. One of the things that emerged was the issue of sexual orientation deviation which attracted a lot of public attention, this issue is commonly known to us as LGBT. In this journal, we focus on discussing gay or homosexual, namely homosexuality is a relationship with a partner of the same sex, a situation where a person is attracted to other people of the same sex, a person's tendency to be attracted to other people of the same sex, and homosexualism is understanding homosexuality (Syobromalisi, 2018). It is hoped that this journal will achieve its goal of providing readers with an understanding of religious perspectives on homosexuality. What is homosexuality. How did homosexuality begin, and what are the impacts of someone who violates religious orders and then becomes part of homosexuality? In making a journal, there are several methods that can be used to collect data. In this research the author used a literature study approach, we chose this method as our basis for creating a framework for thinking or determining hypotheses. The results of research in this journal are that the majority of religions in Indonesia prohibit homosexual behavior or liking people of the same sex, but Buddhism and Confucianism do not prohibit it. In the Confucian religion, marriage is carried out with the aim of achieving harmony.


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How to Cite
Alif Ayuningrum, Anggi Hazel Patrecia, Puspayanti D, Dina Lorensia. Perspektif Agama-Agama Di Indonesia Terhadap Homoseksual. MODERASI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 16 [cited 2024 Dec. 5];1(01). Available from:


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