Dampak Psikologis Individu Yang Mengalami Diskriminasi Agama Di Indonesia
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Discrimination is a despicable act that deviates from the norm, and will harm individuals and groups. Both adults and children today, discrimination in their eyes is just a "breeze" that has no major impact. It is very common for individuals and groups to discriminate, especially in terms of religious beliefs, by making religious discrimination a mockery without guilt. The importance of public awareness of tolerance needs more attention in order to avoid any deviation or damage that occurs between individuals or groups, one of which brings discrimination. In this journal, it will be further explained how important the problem of discrimination that is rampant today is, to pay more attention to it. Because this discrimination problem will bring damage to individuals or groups both psychologically and physically, it is necessary to promote with the encouragement of each individual or group, to be able to overcome this problem in order to create peace between religions.
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