Implementasi Kode Etik Profesi Advokat Dalam Praktik Sehari-Hari

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Maulla Jasmine
Yoana Ledy Mutiara
Mufid Muhammad
Haris Haunan


Advocates are a respected law enforcement profession because of their dedication to the community through the provision of legal services. However, in practice, advocates are often found who do not carry out their obligations professionally, even violating the law. In this case, the Indonesian Advocate Code of Ethics is the main guide that must be followed by every advocate. According to Law Number 18 of 2003, "Advocates are a noble profession (officium nobile), obliged to uphold the law, justice, and human rights" (Advocates Law, Article 2). The main objective of this study is to analyze the extent to which the ethical principles contained in the code of ethics of the advocate profession are consistently applied by advocates in carrying out their duties and responsibilities. This study also aims to identify various obstacles faced by advocates in complying with the code of ethics and to understand the factors that influence their level of compliance with the code of ethics. The research method used is the empirical juridical method, namely an approach that involves collecting data directly from the field, for example through interviews. This is in accordance with the principle that states that "Empirical legal research is carried out by observing real behavior in society related to the law" (Setiono, 2021, p. 34). As a professional, one of the main requirements that must be met is devotion to God Almighty. The advocate's code of ethics firmly emphasizes this value, which is also in line with moral and spiritual principles. As stated in the Indonesian Advocate Code of Ethics, "Advocates must uphold their professional oath and avoid all reprehensible acts that can harm the dignity of the profession" (Indonesian Advocate Code of Ethics, Article 5). In addition, the moral responsibility of advocates includes obligations to clients, society, and God. In practice, violations of the advocate code of ethics can result in an examination process and the imposition of sanctions by the Advocate Honorary Council. Examples of such cases are listed in the Honorary Council report, where advocates who violate the code of ethics will be "tried based on established procedures" (Advocate Law, Article 12). Violations such as corruption, abuse of authority, or other unprofessional actions can harm public trust in the legal profession.


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How to Cite
Jasmine, J., Yoana Ledy Mutiara, Mufid Muhammad, & Haris Haunan. (2025). Implementasi Kode Etik Profesi Advokat Dalam Praktik Sehari-Hari. Das Sollen: Jurnal Kajian Kontemporer Hukum Dan Masyarakat, 3(01). Retrieved from