Problematika Teknologi Kecerdasan Buatan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Persepsi Agama
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Empowering people to make better and more effective decisions. Not only that, AI can also help automate repetitive tasks, and free up time for people to focus on other tasks. The problem of this research is what if AI technology is used in the human personal realm, namely in worship for religious people, such as virtual worship and other things. Will it reduce the sacredness of religion and its rituals of worship? The aim of this research is to explore the problems of artificial intelligence technology and its impact on religion from a perspective. This research method is qualitative with an analytical descriptive approach based on primary and secondary literature reviews. The result of this research is that the use of AI in helping humans search for the meaning of life and defining spirituality challenges traditional understandings about the search for the meaning of life and the nature of human spirituality. The question of whether AI is capable of meeting human spiritual needs is complex and requires in-depth dialogue. In the face of these complexities, it is important to seek balanced solutions that allow AI technology to develop while respecting religious values and humanitarian principles. It requires a lot of dialogue between religions and beliefs and also open dialogue between religious leaders, scientists and society. This problem seems far away but is also close and real because in reality AI technology is already being used massively in society.
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