Perspektif Agama Islam Terhadap Kesetaraan Gender Dalam Rumah Tangga
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This research examines the Islamic religious perspective on gender equality in the household. The purpose of this article is to find out what the Islamic religious perspective actually is regarding the issue of gender equality in the household. Very often people justify the patriarchal attitudes that occur in households which are linked to the Islamic religion. Things like this happen because the Islamic religion has been combined with the strong patriarchal culture in Indonesia. This article will explain how the true Islamic religious perspective has been misinterpreted by society. This research focuses on qualitative descriptive methods. This method is used so that people can fully understand and accept the Islamic religious perspective on gender equality in the household. It was found that many parties use religious arguments as a form of disagreement with gender equality because they believe that men have a higher status than women. The impact that occurs because of this is that women are often oppressed and discriminated against because men believe that they are more dominant than women. Islam never teaches there are differences between men and women. In Islamic law, married women and men have the same rights and responsibilities regarding their domestic life and this is their respective right. In Islamic law, women are not prohibited from working, but they still have to get permission from their husbands, which means that it shows that men are responsible for managing and leading the family. Men are also not prohibited from doing housework, husbands and wives are obliged to look after their children, not only their wives, but their husbands too. From this it shows that Islam equalizes the rights and obligations of men and women.
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