Penerapan Sikap Religius Dalam Kasus Bullying

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Adinda Zahra Nur Aulia
Athaya Ramadhani Putri Cheriyanto
Dini Amalia
Tiara Alifia
Yafi’tasanee Fakhrissa
Eva Laila Rizkiyah


Bullying is a phenomenon that can occur in various places. Bullying is the behavior of someone who oppresses someone or several people who are weaker in order to appear strong. In bullying behavior, there are characteristics of the bully, namely: 1) Living in groups and controlling the social life of students at school. 2) Position yourself in a certain location within the school/surrounding area. 3) Is a well-known figure at school. 4) Frequently seen movements such as frequently walking in front, accidentally bumping into, saying rude words, belittling/harassing. Bullying behavior has a big impact on the victim who is being bullied, because he or she can feel the impact, such as experiencing anxiety, depression, and even suicide. Religion can play an important role in preventing cases of bullying, because religion teaches good morals and ethics in everyday life, such as compassion for others, tolerance and justice. Religiousness is an important trait that needs to be instilled in every human being to produce behavior that is in accordance with religious teachings. With a religious attitude, every human being can live side by side in living their daily lives. The author uses literature study methods and descriptive analysis to obtain secondary data and analysis from research that has been conducted previously. The results of this research show several causes of bullying behavior, such as a lack of understanding of the impact of bullying behavior, lack of education and parental supervision, lack of moral education, and lack of religious education. Implementing a religious attitude that can reduce the occurrence of bullying behavior is character education. By believing in God, it will have a positive impact on human behavior. Because by having a religious attitude, such as believing that God is all-seeing, individuals can minimize unpleasant behavior such as bullying.


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Zahra Nur Aulia A, Athaya Ramadhani Putri Cheriyanto, Dini Amalia, Tiara Alifia, Yafi’tasanee Fakhrissa, Eva Laila Rizkiyah. Penerapan Sikap Religius Dalam Kasus Bullying. MODERASI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 25];1(01). Available from:


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