Konsep Hukum William Ockham

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Selvi Marsela
Chintya Irba Oktavia Irawan
Windi Utami Maelani Irianto
Mohammad Alvi Pratama


It explores William Ockham's contributions to the development of legal philosophy, focusing on his proposed epistemological, metaphysical and ethical concepts. Ockham, a medieval thinker, is best known for Ockham's knife principle which emphasizes the principle of simplicity in the explanation of phenomena. In the context of law, Ockham's thought provides a foundation for a critical analysis of the relationship between panguasa power and applicable law, as well as the importance of justice in the legal system. Through a review of Ockham's works, the journal explores the relevance and conceptual implications of Ockham's thought in contemporary conceptions of the philosophy of law. This type of research is using qualitative methods with the type of literature review research, this study aims to explore the analysis of William Ockham's works and involve several sources in it. The results of the analysis highlight the relevance of Ockham's thought in the context of the current development of legal theory, as well as offer deep insights for the study of legal philosophy and legal theory in general. Thus, this research contributes to our understanding of the relationship between philosophy and law as well as the importance of historical context in the formation of fundamental legal concepts.


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Marsela, S., Chintya Irba Oktavia Irawan, Windi Utami Maelani Irianto, & Pratama, M. A. (2024). Konsep Hukum William Ockham. Praxis: Jurnal Filsafat Terapan, 1(02). Retrieved from https://journal.forikami.com/index.php/praxis/article/view/641


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