Konsep Keadilan Dan Keadilan Bagi Binatang Menurut Plutarch

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Kayla Revasha Adhitya
Keisya Alifia Kusumajaya
Pricila Citra Margareta
Mohammad Alvi Pratama


Plutarch has famous works, one of which is "Moralia" and "De Sollenia Animalium" (On the Cleverness of Animals) which focuses on morals, justice, and animal intelligence. This research uses a qualitative method with a philosophical-historical approach to Plutarch's works related to morals, justice, and fairness for animals. The purpose of this paper is to examine: (1) Plutarch's views in the context of justice, morals and ethics, (2) Plutarch's opinion on animal intelligence which is taken into consideration in treating animals, (3) connecting Plutarch's understanding of justice and intelligence towards animals with contemporary issues. Plutarch's strong interest in animal intelligence and justice is directly proportional to his dislike of hunting and fishing, which he considers disrespectful to animal rights. He felt that it would cause unnecessary harm and suffering to animals for the sake of human pleasure.  He considers man's morals in treating animals, where he believes that there is justice and animals. The context of justice and the rights of animals is motivated by the unrest felt by Plutarch, one of which is when humans eat and process food that uses animals. In his opinion, humans should not consume animals because humans do not have criteria such as pointed teeth with jagged textures that carnivores actually have. The position of humans at the top of the food chain makes humans sometimes do things at will for individual satisfaction. To respect the lives of all creatures, we can emphasize empathy for animals, limit meat consumption, and the importance for humans to ensure the welfare of animals to be protected by limiting meat consumption.


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Kayla Revasha Adhitya, Keisya Alifia Kusumajaya, margareta, pricila citra, & Pratama, M. A. (2024). Konsep Keadilan Dan Keadilan Bagi Binatang Menurut Plutarch. Praxis: Jurnal Filsafat Terapan, 1(02). Retrieved from https://journal.forikami.com/index.php/praxis/article/view/616


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