Konsep Hak Alamiah William Ockham

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Muhamad Fadil Handoyo
Dewi Sartika
Mohammad Alvi Pratama


In the 14th century, socio-political conditions dominated by church power and political conflict shaped William Ockham's thinking. In response to the uncertainty of that era, Ockham developed a theory of natural rights which explained human independence, individual human rights, and the role of reason as a moral guide. Its influence extended to various fields, such as politics, theology, ethics, and legal philosophy, which later became the basis for the concepts of human rights, individual freedom, and the shift in thinking from the Scholastic era to the Renaissance. Ockham also played a role in resolving tensions between church authority and secular rulers, creating a new paradigm that provided space for moral reflection and personal freedom. His thinking remains relevant, making a significant contribution to the development of modern philosophical thought, and illustrating changes in thinking in this dynamic era.


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Handoyo, M. F., Dewi Sartika, & Pratama, M. A. (2024). Konsep Hak Alamiah William Ockham. Praxis: Jurnal Filsafat Terapan, 1(02). Retrieved from https://journal.forikami.com/index.php/praxis/article/view/614


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