Eksistensi Tuhan Dan Agama Dalam Perspektif Penganut Agnostik

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Sandrina Aurellia
Melviana Kintani
Ichsanastrie Ramadhania


Since birth, humans are bound by a religion that is passed down from their parents. But growing up, children have their own views about their religion, not even just the views of the religion they have been born with but with other religions in their environment. The term "agnostic" becomes their choice to represent their beliefs about a religion. This research looks at what the existence of God and religion is for agnostics. Using the Library Research method, the researcher seeks information with relevant research from other pre-existing studies as well as from videos that come directly from the individual experiences of these agnostic believers. From this research, it can be answered that they consider the existence of God and can be proven by a theory called the theory of eternal energy and the existence of God according to them is an affection, which is something that cannot be proven empirically. The existence of religion according to them that religion is only an excuse for people to blame others because of religion itself. There is a view of the Indonesian state regarding this agnostic individual, namely legally there is no law that explicitly regulates the prohibition of adhering to agnosticism, but if they spread agnostic teachings it is inevitable that they will be sanctioned. The dynamics of the search for truth according to them is a process that will continue and will never end.


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Sandrina Aurellia, Kintani M, Ichsanastrie Ramadhania. Eksistensi Tuhan Dan Agama Dalam Perspektif Penganut Agnostik. MODERASI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 12 [cited 2024 Dec. 5];1(01). Available from: https://journal.forikami.com/index.php/moderasi/article/view/449


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