Intellectual Property –Based Financing Scheme: Opportunity, Challenge and Potential

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Ranti Fauza Mayana
Tisni Santika
Zahra Cintana


This article discusses the Intellectual Property-Based Financing Scheme based on the provisions of Government Regulation Number 24 of 2022 concerning Implementing Regulations of Law Number 24 of 2019 concerning the Creative Economy as well as the opportunities and challenges in its implementation, both from the regulatory and implementation frameworks. The analysis of the legal framework of the creative economy, property law and security law aims to identify, understand and analyze the opportunities and challenges of implementing the Intellectual Property-Based Financing Scheme along with financing models and binding guarantees that can be applied in the implementation of the Intellectual Property-Based Financing Scheme. This study uses a normative juridical method, with a descriptive analysis approach through analysis of data sourced from laws and regulations and all official documents containing legal provisions as well as primary and secondary legal materials such as books, journals and scientific works as well as other sources that have relevance to the research theme. The creative economy is a new economy that needs to be supported by appropriate strategic steps in the form of follow-up from technical, regulatory, administrative, and implementation aspects and it is necessary to take preparatory steps for the enactment of PP Ekraf, through coordination and synergy between state holders and stakeholders through the establishment pilot projects / pilot projects by the Government and Financial Institutions


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Mayana, R. F., Santika, T., & Cintana, Z. (2022). Intellectual Property –Based Financing Scheme: Opportunity, Challenge and Potential . Das Sollen: Jurnal Kajian Kontemporer Hukum Dan Masyarakat, 1(01). Retrieved from


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