Hubungan Panta Rhei Dan Keadilan Dalam Pemikiran Heraclitus

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Awalia Syifa
Erlita Lily Cahya APP
Anggi Amelia Putri
Mohammad Alvi Pratama


One of Heraclitus's teachings is that the universe is a continuous existence or a process of change. Heraclitus called it "Panta Rhei", which means everything flows. If it is related to justice, then the perspective on justice also changes. Just like a blind man describing an elephant. Likewise, laws are dynamic. Where the law can change at any time and anywhere. “Everything Flows” is often interpreted to mean that everything in the universe is constantly changing or moving. Everything affects everything else. Heraclitus said that we will not go down the same river flow, because the river water that flows now is certainly different from the river water that flows a few minutes later. That's where he said that change will definitely create impressions that will make life feel more truly alive. Heraclitus suggests that justice cannot be defined rigidly but must be responsive to the complexities and nuances of ever-changing situations. Despite his emphasis on flux and change, Heraclitus also saw fundamental patterns and harmony in the universe. He believed in the existence of a universal logos, or rational principle, that governed the cosmos. This research examines the thoughts of one of the Pre-Socratic philosophers mentioned earlier, namely Heraclitus. This type of research uses qualitative methods with a literature review type of research. This research aims to analyze Heraclitus's famous thoughts, namely Panta Rhei, on Justice and relate them to current conditions. This research uses a philosophical-historical approach. This study finds that based on historical philosophy, Heraclitus's thinking about everything changes has been proven when we talk about the concept of justice.


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How to Cite
Syifa, A., Erlita Lily Cahya APP, Anggi Amelia Putri, & Pratama, M. A. (2024). Hubungan Panta Rhei Dan Keadilan Dalam Pemikiran Heraclitus . Praxis: Jurnal Filsafat Terapan, 1(02). Retrieved from


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