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Hillaryana Epriscamayeni Bandur
Cindy Louisa
Haikal Muhammad Gibran


China is a unitary state that adheres to a communist democratic system of government with a Republican form of government. The Republic of China is also the second most populous country in the world with 1.43 billion people, so it is not easy to manage such a large population. The Chinese government announced a policy in 2014, the Social Credit System. This Social Credit System aims to control the behavior of every citizen of Chinese society. China is the only country that implements this policy, this policy also aims to make people obey the rules. This research uses a qualitative method by collecting data from analyzing related documents and news. The social credit policy implemented in China with a concept that has existed for a long time. This policy has a real impact on society with the example of Dandan Fan and Xu Xiaodong who have opposite fates. Dandan Fan benefited from a high social credit score due to his compliance with the law while Xu Xiaodong received many restrictions on public facilities and social sanctions due to his courage to express one of China's martial arts, Kung Fu. The impact of the social credit policy system on the ethics and culture of Chinese society affects the impact on public compliance with the law, the impact on social life and community interaction patterns, the impact on public information disclosure carried out by the government to disclose social credit scores and the last is the individual freedom of the community. Whereas in the Chinese Constitution in articles 33, 35, 38, 40, 41, which mainly discuss freedom of speech, respect for the dignity of each individual of society and the right to criticize, so it is very clear that this policy is very contrary to the Chinese Constitution that has been enacted.


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Hillaryana Epriscamayeni Bandur, Cindy Louisa, & Haikal Muhammad Gibran. (2024). PENGARUH SISTEM KEBIJAKAN SOCIAL CREDIT DALAM ASPEK HUKUM PADA ETIKA DAN BUDAYA MASYARAKAT CHINA. Nusantara: Jurnal Pendidikan, Seni, Sains Dan Sosial Humaniora, 2(01). Retrieved from


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