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Dewi Rahma Gustini
Muhammad Sigit Ismail
Nabilah Apriani


Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world.  Data from the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration shows that in 2021 the population of Indonesia who are Muslim is 236.53 million people or 86.88% of the total population of Indonesia [1].  With such a large Muslim population, of course, there are many supporting facilities for worship for Muslims scattered throughout Indonesia.  The existing facilities only need to be utilized or further improved to achieve optimization of the potential that can be worked on from the tourism industry.  In addition to the potential for domestic tourists, the potential for foreign tourists who embrace Islam in this world is also very large.  In the world, there are 1.8 billion adherents of Islam who can become targets of promoting the natural beauty and cultural diversity and rich history of Indonesia, wrapped in hospitality and friendly facilities for Muslim tourists.  Halal tourism basically has a concept as tourism that is equipped with Muslim-friendly supporting facilities and facilities such as places of worship, lodging, halal food and beverage providers, as well as regulations that respect the norms of Islamic law.  This study tries to analyze the utilization of Indonesia's membership in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) as the second largest international organization in the world, which has 57 member countries.  The results of the study indicate that the OIC can accommodate cooperation agreements with member countries in accordance with the objectives and programs aimed at building the economic welfare of member countries.  In the OIC there are also very strategic organs to be used in the context of promoting Indonesian halal tourism.


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Gustini DR, Ismail MS, Apriani N. PERAN ORGANISASI KERJASAMA ISLAM (OKI) UNTUK MEMBANGUN INDUSTRI PARIWISATA HALAL DI INDONESIA . MODERASI [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];1(01). Available from:


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