Studi Literatur Mengenai Tragedi Bom Bali I 2002, Faktor Penyebab Dan Dampaknya Dalam Perspektif Agama
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The 1st Bali Bombing tragedy in 2002 had a big impact in Indonesia and throughout the world because the victims came from various countries. The aim of this research is to identify the impact and components of this event, especially in terms of religion. The focus of the analysis is how religion encourages perpetrators of terrorism and how society and the government respond to this. In this study, the term "radicalism" is defined as beliefs that encourage the use of violence to achieve social and political change. Through a literature review, this research investigates the relationship between religion and terrorism. This research pays special attention to the dynamics that occur in Indonesia. The main aim of the research is to understand the role of religion in the Bali Bombing 1 incident. Specifically, this research aims to analyze the motivation for terrorism from a religious perspective, discover the impact on religious communities, and evaluate various religious perspectives. This research involves collecting sources about the 1st Bali Bombing, terrorism, and the role of religion. The research results show many things, such as extremism, revenge, religious violence, the movement of radical Islamic groups, and distorted interpretations of the Koran. The results include the emergence of Western stereotypes of Islam and a global response to the threat of terrorism. This study increases our understanding of the complexity of the relationship between religion and terrorism and emphasizes that we need to understand this issue well.
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