Kultur Pendidikan Pesantren Dan Radikalisme

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Mohamad Qalam Fahmirana Mundji


This research discusses the relationship between Islamic boarding school educational culture and the potential for radicalism among its students. Islamic boarding schools as traditional educational institutions in Indonesia, have a very important role in shaping the character and moral values of their students. However, in some contexts, Islamic boarding school educational culture can also be a triggering factor for the emergence of radicalism among its students. This research uses descriptive analysis methods to describe Islamic boarding school educational culture and identify elements that have the potential to trigger radicalism. The research results show that the Islamic boarding school educational culture, which is based on Islamic religious teachings and Islamic traditions, has a positive impact in shaping the morals and spiritual attitudes of the students. However, some aspects of Islamic boarding school culture, such as a closed curriculum, lack of emphasis on critical thinking, and social isolation, can provide opportunities for a narrow and extreme understanding of religious teachings. This can increase the potential for radicalism to emerge among students. This research also emphasizes the need for a balanced educational approach in Islamic boarding schools, which combines Islamic values with a deep understanding of tolerance and plurality. Concrete steps such as improving the curriculum, increasing access to diverse educational resources, and strengthening inter-religious dialogue can be effective efforts to reduce the potential for radicalism in the Islamic boarding school environment.


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Mundji MQF. Kultur Pendidikan Pesantren Dan Radikalisme. MODERASI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 27 [cited 2025 Jan. 25];1(01). Available from: http://journal.forikami.com/index.php/moderasi/article/view/503


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