Eksistensi Penganut Animisme, Dinamisme, dan Totemisme di Era Modern
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In general, religion is a belief system of a people. Recognized religions in Indonesia include Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism, which are examples of religions that exist in the modern era. However, Animism, Dynamism and Totemism are ancestral religions that have existed from the past and even from the New Stone Age. The aim of this research is to determine the existence of Animism, Dynamism and Totemism in the modern era. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The data in this research are verses as well as teachings and beliefs of animism, dynamism and totemism in society. The source of data obtained is a primary data source, namely obtained from verses in books and observations in people’s lives. The data collection technique in this research is the listening technique by listening to the teachings of the Indonesian culture course lecturer at Pamulang University. The second technique is data processing techniques based on personal experience. The data analysis technique in this research is an analysis technique using extralingual matching. The results of this research show the existence of Animism, Dynamism and Totemism in the modern era. This can be shown from the research results that Animism, Dynamism and Totemism still exist in today’s society, including Indonesian society from various circles and regions, such as religious ceremonies in Balinese society, namely, spirit worship ceremonies. Then, there is belief in animals and plants as protectors or providers of fertility and disaster for the Asmat tribe in Papua.
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