Dampak Diskriminasi Agama Pada Remaja dalam Menghadapi Indonesia Emas 2045

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Debora Setiadi Dharmawan
Najwa Ksatria Pakarti Hinuwih
Vania Lystia Putri
Dina Kartini


: Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045, there are things that must be considered. One of them is the attitudes and behavior of Indonesian teenagers, especially in religious aspects, such as discrimination between religions. This of course happens because there are factors that underlie teenagers to discriminate. It is the duty of all of us, especially teenagers, to improve ourselves so that Indonesia can achieve its ideals in our hands, as the future and hope of the nation. The principles of Pancasila, which form the basis of the Indonesian state, emphasize unity in diversity. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, the national motto of the Indonesian nation, which means "diverse but still one." To achieve vision 2045, it is important to maintain these principles so that the country remains united. Religious discrimination can be detrimental to Indonesian society, which in fact is a religious society. To achieve equitable social welfare, it is important to overcome this discrimination. Realizing Indonesia's dream in 2045 will be more possible if Indonesian people can live side by side in peace and tolerance, without any form of religious discrimination. Protection of human rights, including religious rights, is a globally respected value. When the problem of religious discrimination occurs in Indonesia, this can damage the country's international reputation and affect relations with other countries, and cause division between Indonesia and its fellow Indonesians or with other countries. Because in the process towards a golden Indonesia 2045, the role of religion is very important, especially in forming virtuous and civilized individuals. This journal takes an approach through literature study, where the author collects data and manages it again to compile this journal. Such as library data, journals and other readings, so that the data in this journal can be ascertained as to its correctness and validity.


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Debora Setiadi Dharmawan, Najwa Ksatria Pakarti Hinuwih, Vania Lystia Putri, Kartini D. Dampak Diskriminasi Agama Pada Remaja dalam Menghadapi Indonesia Emas 2045 . MODERASI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 20 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];1(01). Available from: http://journal.forikami.com/index.php/moderasi/article/view/487


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