Tinjauan Agama Terhadap Modifikasi Genetika pada Manusia

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Alyssa Az'zahra Julia Arifin
Chici Putri Alifalexis Winata
Stephanie Ludya Emmanuela Elim
Tijany Rahma Tsaniya


In this modern era, rapidly developing technology allows humans to create and discover new discoveries. This journal will explore from the perspective of several religions one of the technologies that humans have created, namely, genetic engineering. This journal was created with the aim of knowing the opinions or views of several religions regarding Genetic Engineering technology. The method used in making this journal is literature study with a qualitative approach. The results of this journal show that each religion has a different view of this technology. Like the Islamic religion which allows genetic engineering if the aim is for treatment with procedural requirements that do not violate existing Islamic law. Buddhism also allows manipulation of human genetics for the benefit of future life as long as it is done wisely for the common good. Meanwhile, Christians and Catholics have a different view where they strictly prohibit genetic engineering technology as written in the Holy Bible. Likewise, Hinduism believes that genetic engineering can be more threatening to humans than pollution or nuclear power. The conclusion of this journal is that religious perspectives on genetic engineering vary greatly depending on the beliefs and values of each religion. Although some religions agree with genetic engineering in humans, with the original example being vaccines, several other religions are concerned about the negative consequences of this discovery. In addition, the purpose of genetic engineering is something that needs to be considered. If genetic engineering is carried out with the aim of the common good or only benefits a few parties. Genetic engineering must be used wisely.


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Alyssa Az’zahra Julia Arifin, Chici Putri Alifalexis Winata, Edelwis, Elim SLE, Tijany Rahma Tsaniya. Tinjauan Agama Terhadap Modifikasi Genetika pada Manusia. MODERASI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 16];1(01). Available from: http://journal.forikami.com/index.php/moderasi/article/view/474


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