Menelaah Penggunaan Virtual Reality (Vr) Dalam Pelaksanaan Ibadah Haji Dari Sudut Pandang Rukun Haji

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Aisyah Nurherviyanti
Nabila Sophia Rani
Naylah Aulia Apriani
Sofilya Devrianti


The Hajj is the last pillar of Islam which is carried out when a person is mature or mature, physically, mentally and financially capable. The Hajj is carried out by all Muslims throughout the world, so that every year there is always a quota limit for pilgrims who will perform the Hajj. The implementation of the Hajj has several pillars or certain provisions that must be fulfilled, including imbibing, wukuf in Arafah, tawaf, sa'i, tahallul, and being orderly. In March 2020 the Covid-19 virus emerged which spread throughout the world. The presence of Covid-19 has hampered the implementation of the Hajj pilgrimage, so the Saudi Arabian government has come up with the Virtual Reality "VR" innovation for Hajj pilgrims so that Muslims who wish to carry out the Hajj pilgrimage can still carry it out via Virtual Reality "VR". However, the use of Virtual Reality "VR" in the Hajj pilgrimage has of course sparked debate from scholars because they remember that without carrying out the pillars of the Hajj directly, the Hajj pilgrimage will be declared invalid. In this research, the author used a qualitative approach to explore the perspectives of the Hajj pillars and religious experts on the use of virtual reality (VR) technology in carrying out the Hajj pilgrimage. The results of the research state that the use of VR in the Hajj pilgrimage is not legal according to the pillars of the Hajj, but is permitted for learning for prospective Hajj pilgrims. Apart from that, this research will discuss the factors that influence the emergence of innovations in the use of VR in the Hajj pilgrimage. In conclusion, this research provides insight into whether or not the use of VR is valid in carrying out the Hajj pilgrimage from the perspective of the pillars of Hajj.


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Aisyah Nurherviyanti, Nabila Sophia Rani, Naylah Aulia Apriani, Devrianti S. Menelaah Penggunaan Virtual Reality (Vr) Dalam Pelaksanaan Ibadah Haji Dari Sudut Pandang Rukun Haji. MODERASI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 12 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];1(01). Available from:


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