Perspektif Agama Terhadap Cara Penguburan dan Dampaknya Terhadap Lingkungan

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Griselda Sabandar
Mazaya Rasiqah
Bunga Abriza Amalia
Sadira Talitha Hanania
Najwa Divani


: All humans will experience death in which humans will be buried in various ways, one of which is burial by planting and cremation. Without us realizing it, this can have an impact on environmental health as well as humans and animals. It is considered a source of soil and groundwater pollution that comes from burial places that do not have a good organic or inorganic waste processing system for the process of decomposing corpses. Meanwhile, the cremation process can also have an impact on environmental health because many of the toxins produced by this burial process can accumulate biologically in humans, including mercury and gas emissions. The release of mercury from the cremation process turns into multimercury which contains poison which can return to the earth and can contaminate various foods. The research method used in this journal is a literature study method which is carried out by collecting factual data in understanding and studying theories from various literature related to this research. The aim of this research is to explore further information about the impact and how to handle the burial and cremation process systematically, factually and accurately. With the existence of several methods, this burial technique has viewpoints from various religions, which according to Catholic Christians and Protestant Christians do not state that they prohibit or support the cremation process, whereas for Buddhism the cremation process is permitted because it has been a belief since time immemorial. For the Hindu religion, this cremation process is not required, it can be done when the family is able to complete the cremation process. According to Islam, it opposes the cremation process because it is considered to violate the dignity of the human body.


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Sabandar G, Mazaya Rasiqah, Bunga Abriza Amalia, Sadira Talitha Hanania, Najwa Divani. Perspektif Agama Terhadap Cara Penguburan dan Dampaknya Terhadap Lingkungan. MODERASI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 14 [cited 2025 Jan. 25];1(01). Available from:


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