Pengaruh Teknologi Rekayasa Genetika Terhadap Keberlangsungan Hidup Manusia Ditinjau Dari Pandangan Agama Islam

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Alisha Amare Putridisheva
Siti Naila Nafasya Glen
Shafa Safira Azzahra


Genetic engineering in food, or Genetically modified food (GMF), is a technology that has become a hot topic of discussion in society by replacing food genetics using the latest biochemical and biotechnological techniques, this technology aims to create new, superior food varieties. The growth of the food industry, especially in Indonesia, is influenced by changes in lifestyle and people's views on food consumption. However, the positive and negative impacts of genetic engineering technology on food are of concern, especially from the perspective of beliefs such as Islam. The growth of the food industry, linked to genetic engineering (GM), raises challenges related to religious views, health safety and environmental impacts. Not all consumers are aware whether the food products they consume have undergone genetic engineering or not. The research uses a qualitative approach through literature study to understand the impact of genetic engineering technology on food, focusing on literary sources such as books, journals and related documents. Genetic engineering can increase agricultural yields, nutritional quality, and plant resistance to pests and diseases. Positive impacts involve increasing production, quality and food security, however, there are negative impacts such as health risks and environmental impacts. The Islamic religious view regarding food genetic engineering is dynamic, with the MUI giving a fatwa that allows GM as long as it is not harmful. Genetic engineering technology in food has positive and negative impacts that  need to be considered. In the context of religion, especially Islam, its role is important in determining the halalness of genetically engineered food products. The importance of information disclosure and good regulations to ensure product safety and halalness for consumers.


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Alisha Amare Putridisheva, Siti Naila Nafasya Glen, Azzahra SS. Pengaruh Teknologi Rekayasa Genetika Terhadap Keberlangsungan Hidup Manusia Ditinjau Dari Pandangan Agama Islam. MODERASI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 14 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];1(01). Available from:


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