Pengalaman Diskriminasi Agama Terhadap Dampak Psikologis ) (Studi Kasus: Masyarakat Cianjur

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Imelda Windiana
Nazwa Putri Friska
Shinta Azahra
Ira Fauzirah
Nabila Cahyani


Discrimination is an act or action carried out by a person or group with the aim of differentiating other individuals or groups. Based on something, usually categorical or specific attributes such as race, ethnicity, religion and social classes. This research uses a case study design, namely an in-depth research approach to a particular problem, in this case the experience of religious discrimination and its psychological impact on the people of Cianjur. The aim of this research is to understand in depth the psychological impact of religious discrimination on individuals and groups in Cianjur and to identify and analyze various forms of religious discrimination that occur in Cianjur society. The results of this research show that there are differences in understanding of socially protected values, giving rise to violence and discrimination between religious communities. The differences in principles, values and taboos taught in each religion often give rise to misunderstandings between religious communities. It is not uncommon for debates to arise among followers of a religion to determine who is right. This then gives rise to more complex problems, namely acts of violence and discrimination. Overcoming religious discrimination requires the cooperation of many parties, including the government, educational institutions, and the general public to create an inclusive and fair environment for all individuals, regardless of religious background. With appropriate preventive measures, it is hoped that society can create an atmosphere that is more peaceful, inclusive and respectful of diversity.


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How to Cite
Imelda Windiana, Friska NP, Shinta Azahra, Ira Fauzirah, Nabila Cahyani. Pengalaman Diskriminasi Agama Terhadap Dampak Psikologis ): (Studi Kasus: Masyarakat Cianjur. MODERASI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 12 [cited 2025 Jan. 25];1(01). Available from:


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