Krisis Moral Dalam Agama: Dampaknya Pada Kesejahteraan Dan Psikologis Anak Remaja

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Anindya Pangestu
Dea Ananda Zahra
Elviana Alya Fitri



Moral crisis is a phenomenon that is rampant in modern times. The occurrence of a moral crisis has a significant impact on the psychological development of adolescents which triggers internal conflicts about religious teachings to be believed. In this case, researchers conducted in-depth research on the issue of the influence of religious moral crises that occur in adolescents and their influence on the well-being and psychology of adolescents. The purpose of making a journal about religious moral crisis is to find out the factors that cause religious moral crisis and the psychological impact received by adolescents. This research method uses the literature review method. The findings from the literature review process were discussed using a content analysis approach. This analysis also elaborates the findings related to the problem findings and justifies the importance of the correct religious foundation and moral education in adolescence in order to overcome these psychological problems. The results show that there is a true continuity between the psychology of adolescents. The more psychologically prosperous the moral crisis behaviour is getting thinner because of the religious guidance that helps to improve adolescent morality. As a result, adolescents who have achieved PWB (psychological well-being) have high morality and good spirituality. For the creation of good emotions and character to be clear evidence of how an adolescent has a relationship with morality and religion. To achieve PWB (psychological well-being) requires some effort to be able to control the pressure that comes to him and efforts to be in control of himself so that he can behave and behave according to the norms in society and religious guidelines. Keywords: moral crisis, religion, adolescence, psychological well-being.


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Pangestu A, Dea Ananda Zahra, Elviana Alya Fitri. Krisis Moral Dalam Agama: Dampaknya Pada Kesejahteraan Dan Psikologis Anak Remaja. MODERASI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 12 [cited 2024 Dec. 5];1(01). Available from:


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