Hubungan Tingkat Religiusitas Dengan Kecemasan Moral

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Nazwa Aurelia
Yusuf Immanuel Tooy
Axel Gerwinsa Dungus
Nadja Annabelle Qubeley Pellondo’u P.


Moral anxiety is a familiar thing among students. Moral anxiety is a fear related to conscience. Moral anxiety is very related to the social environment of students.  Someone who is brought up with good and right moral norms will feel very guilty if they do something that is contrary to their moral norms that they have believed from childhood. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between moral anxiety and a person's level of religiosity. This study uses the method of analysis and data collection. We use literature study techniques, namely collecting relevant data for research from books, articles, scientific, news, and other credible sources according to our research topic. The results showed that the higher and stronger the level of religiosity of a student, the higher the level of moral anxiety they feel. On the contrary, the lower the level of religiosity of a student, the lower the level of moral anxiety they will feel.


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Nazwa Aurelia, Yusuf Immanuel Tooy, Ivander BS, Axel Gerwinsa Dungus, Nadja Annabelle Qubeley Pellondo’u P. Hubungan Tingkat Religiusitas Dengan Kecemasan Moral. MODERASI [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 5 [cited 2024 Dec. 14];1(01). Available from:


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